Shorten endorses same-sex marriage as thousands rally in Melbourne

AUDIO; click here to hear Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus’ speech

AUDIO; click here to hear Opposition Leader Bill Shorten’s speech

AUDIO; click here to hear Green’s Member for Melbourne Adam Bandt’s speech

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten led thousands of same-sex marriage supporters during a rally on Saturday in Melbourne’s CBD, protesting the Coalition’s refusal of a conscience vote.

ALP leader Bill Shorten said The Labour Party would legalise marriage equality within 100 days of office after winning the next election over the Coalition.

The rally followed Prime Minister Tony Abbotts’ decision last week to delay the vote for same-sex marriage equality until after the federal election.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has reportedly said he will allow for a constitutional referendum or a plebiscite but Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has said “a referendum would be a $150 million dollar tax payer funded opinion poll to tell us what we already know; we want marriage equality now”.

The Green’s and ALP opposition parties are united against Prime Minister Tony Abbott, announcing at the rally plans to persist pushing the marriage equality bill through parliament.

“We don’t need a plebiscite, we just need legislation, and if the Prime Minster won’t get out of the way and allow the legislation to pass then let’s push him out of the way,” said Greens MP Adam Bandt argued at Prime Minister Tony Abbott

“It should not be the case that people are treated as second class citizens merely because of who they love,” said Opposition Leader Bill Shorten.

A Fairfax/Ipsos poll released in August showed shows 69 percent of Australians support marriage equality, with 54 percent support amongst Coalition supporters.

Mr Bandt has said “This week the clergy for marriage equality came up and told us that 59 percent of Christians in this country want to see marriage equality happen”.

ALP Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said there was majority support in the parliament for a vote on a marriage equality bill which was blocked last week by Prime Minister Abbott and the Coalition.

“We saw last week just how hard this government will fight against this, just how hard Tony Abbott will personally fight to defend discrimination in our law,” said Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has said the bill has re-ignited debate within the Liberal Party about same-sex marriage.

“Abbott’s made himself the Prime Minister for prejudice and fear, this is about equality and it’s the right thing to do,” said Mr Bandt.

Saturday’s rally took place on the 11th anniversary since the Howard Government officially banned same-sex marriage and made changes to the marriage laws in Australia.

A government Census in 2011 found there were over 33,000 same-sex couples in Australia.

Australian Marriage Equality have said 54 percent of Australian same-sex couples would marry if they had the choice and 80 percent would support the choice to marry.

Other speakers at the pro same-sex marriage rally included Victoria Trades Hall Council Secretary Luke Hilikari, director of the film ‘Gayby Baby’ Maya Newell and Greens Leader Senator Di Natali.

The rally was organised by Equal Love Melbourne.

Several members of the Victorian Liberal Party declined to comment on the rally or the NLP stance on marriage equality.

AUDIO; click here to hear Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus’ speech

AUDIO; click here to hear Opposition Leader Bill Shorten’s speech

AUDIO; click here to hear Green’s Member for Melbourne Adam Bandt’s speech

Photo Credit; Jedda Andrews Photography,


Student Union Rejects Fee Deregulation


Original Publish Date; 25 March, 2015

Supporters opposing Education Minister Christopher Pyne’s proposed university fee deregulation marched the streets of Melbourne in protest today.

Rose Steele, National Union of Students President, publically stated the union had pushed to dismiss the fee deregulation bill twice “and when Christopher Pyne comes around again on this one we’ll get it thrown out again.”

Thousands of students, union supporters, the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), community members and media attended the nation-wide held speeches.

Ms Steele argued that “The quality of university degrees has been decreasing and deregulating university fees will not fix this problem and the public agrees.”

The NSU demand fee regulation, increased funding for universities and a fairer student income support system. These are all affected by Pyne’s proposed $2 billion cuts.

Ms Steele states that “Pyne wants universities which support only the privileged” …“the public wants democratic universities where we are part of the decision making process.”

Australian HECS and FEEhelp supported education have created an environment where anyone can apply for university regardless of socio-economic factors.

Over 80% of students are HECS liable.

Currently, 33 per cent of students were born overseas and only 1.4 per cent of student enrolments are comprised of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

These are under-represented factions according to the NUS who argue that fee deregulation will only lower the current access these groups have to higher education.

Hannah Smith of the student union has said, “In overseas examples of university deregulation, it is the marginalised groups such as indigenous, queer students and the economically disadvantaged that miss out the most.”

Phoebe Luhrs, a member of the protest commented “it’s ridiculous that our parents had free education and they’re trying to take that away from us now.”

Ms Smith has said “Education Minister Christopher Pyne made it clear he will bring the bill again this year and this threat has been reaffirmed by his colleagues.”

“We’re sending a message to Pyne that says we aren’t going away, we’re getting attention from the public which speaks volumes to the government,” said Ms Smith.

Photo reference; Daily Mail Online