Shorten endorses same-sex marriage as thousands rally in Melbourne

AUDIO; click here to hear Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus’ speech

AUDIO; click here to hear Opposition Leader Bill Shorten’s speech

AUDIO; click here to hear Green’s Member for Melbourne Adam Bandt’s speech

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten led thousands of same-sex marriage supporters during a rally on Saturday in Melbourne’s CBD, protesting the Coalition’s refusal of a conscience vote.

ALP leader Bill Shorten said The Labour Party would legalise marriage equality within 100 days of office after winning the next election over the Coalition.

The rally followed Prime Minister Tony Abbotts’ decision last week to delay the vote for same-sex marriage equality until after the federal election.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has reportedly said he will allow for a constitutional referendum or a plebiscite but Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has said “a referendum would be a $150 million dollar tax payer funded opinion poll to tell us what we already know; we want marriage equality now”.

The Green’s and ALP opposition parties are united against Prime Minister Tony Abbott, announcing at the rally plans to persist pushing the marriage equality bill through parliament.

“We don’t need a plebiscite, we just need legislation, and if the Prime Minster won’t get out of the way and allow the legislation to pass then let’s push him out of the way,” said Greens MP Adam Bandt argued at Prime Minister Tony Abbott

“It should not be the case that people are treated as second class citizens merely because of who they love,” said Opposition Leader Bill Shorten.

A Fairfax/Ipsos poll released in August showed shows 69 percent of Australians support marriage equality, with 54 percent support amongst Coalition supporters.

Mr Bandt has said “This week the clergy for marriage equality came up and told us that 59 percent of Christians in this country want to see marriage equality happen”.

ALP Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said there was majority support in the parliament for a vote on a marriage equality bill which was blocked last week by Prime Minister Abbott and the Coalition.

“We saw last week just how hard this government will fight against this, just how hard Tony Abbott will personally fight to defend discrimination in our law,” said Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has said the bill has re-ignited debate within the Liberal Party about same-sex marriage.

“Abbott’s made himself the Prime Minister for prejudice and fear, this is about equality and it’s the right thing to do,” said Mr Bandt.

Saturday’s rally took place on the 11th anniversary since the Howard Government officially banned same-sex marriage and made changes to the marriage laws in Australia.

A government Census in 2011 found there were over 33,000 same-sex couples in Australia.

Australian Marriage Equality have said 54 percent of Australian same-sex couples would marry if they had the choice and 80 percent would support the choice to marry.

Other speakers at the pro same-sex marriage rally included Victoria Trades Hall Council Secretary Luke Hilikari, director of the film ‘Gayby Baby’ Maya Newell and Greens Leader Senator Di Natali.

The rally was organised by Equal Love Melbourne.

Several members of the Victorian Liberal Party declined to comment on the rally or the NLP stance on marriage equality.

AUDIO; click here to hear Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus’ speech

AUDIO; click here to hear Opposition Leader Bill Shorten’s speech

AUDIO; click here to hear Green’s Member for Melbourne Adam Bandt’s speech

Photo Credit; Jedda Andrews Photography,


Student Union Rejects Fee Deregulation


Original Publish Date; 25 March, 2015

Supporters opposing Education Minister Christopher Pyne’s proposed university fee deregulation marched the streets of Melbourne in protest today.

Rose Steele, National Union of Students President, publically stated the union had pushed to dismiss the fee deregulation bill twice “and when Christopher Pyne comes around again on this one we’ll get it thrown out again.”

Thousands of students, union supporters, the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), community members and media attended the nation-wide held speeches.

Ms Steele argued that “The quality of university degrees has been decreasing and deregulating university fees will not fix this problem and the public agrees.”

The NSU demand fee regulation, increased funding for universities and a fairer student income support system. These are all affected by Pyne’s proposed $2 billion cuts.

Ms Steele states that “Pyne wants universities which support only the privileged” …“the public wants democratic universities where we are part of the decision making process.”

Australian HECS and FEEhelp supported education have created an environment where anyone can apply for university regardless of socio-economic factors.

Over 80% of students are HECS liable.

Currently, 33 per cent of students were born overseas and only 1.4 per cent of student enrolments are comprised of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

These are under-represented factions according to the NUS who argue that fee deregulation will only lower the current access these groups have to higher education.

Hannah Smith of the student union has said, “In overseas examples of university deregulation, it is the marginalised groups such as indigenous, queer students and the economically disadvantaged that miss out the most.”

Phoebe Luhrs, a member of the protest commented “it’s ridiculous that our parents had free education and they’re trying to take that away from us now.”

Ms Smith has said “Education Minister Christopher Pyne made it clear he will bring the bill again this year and this threat has been reaffirmed by his colleagues.”

“We’re sending a message to Pyne that says we aren’t going away, we’re getting attention from the public which speaks volumes to the government,” said Ms Smith.

Photo reference; Daily Mail Online


50 Shades of Misrepresentation

Transcript from attached audio interview surrounding the release of 50 Shades of Grey

For audio click here

Original Publish Date; 28 February, 2015

Reporter: With the release of 50 Shades of Grey just in time for Valentine’s Day the film has already broken box office records in ticket sales alone. But controversy and protests surrounds the release of the film from feminist groups and largely the kink community. The uproar concerns the representation of bondage, discipline, sadism and masochism in the film. BDSM for short. And as the term enters the collective consciousness of mainstream media – it is these representations and misrepresentations which are getting all the attention.

Reporter: The Radical Alliance of Women, RAW, see the film as promoting domestic violence and sexual violence, they’re requesting

RAW: Supporters of the alliance really need to be out there protesting the film. We need them petitioning at their local cinemas even. This film 50 Shades of Grey is glorifying and romanticising rape, slavery, assault and misogyny. What we’re opposed to how the media is selling domestic violence for the sake of profit.

Reporter: RAW have been using pamphlets in magazines, posters on the street and social media to promote the protests. The National Centre on Sexual Exploitation also supported a boycott with a campaign titled Fifty Shades Is Abuse. 50 Shades of Abuse argues that violence against women has no grey area.

Reporter: Dr Lauren Kane, a sexual health psychologist had this to say on the matter. 

Dr Kane: There’s been a study recently published that found that the psychological characteristics of those who participate in BDSM were mostly positive. So these people tend to be extroverts, they’re conscientious people who were less neurotic than the control group, and the study found that they were often more assertive.

Reporter: As for the practical aspects of BDSM, Dr Kane has this to say:

Dr Kane: There is a strong commitment within the BDSM community to safe, sane and consensual sex. So they’re committed to maintaining a safe environment, they use safe words, they use aftercare and there is constant communication between participants.

Reporter: A relative way to think of it is briefing someone prior to sexual intercourse, as well as during and after the act.

Dr Kane: Communication becomes key within this consensual sexual partnership. A lot of the misunderstanding associated with BDSM is around themes of dominance and rape, which are prevalent within the community. But it’s important to understand that there is a commitment to consent, whether intercourse is involved or not.

Reporter: Dr Kane says those who participate know there are inherent risks involved and harm reduction is imperative for those practitioners.

Dr Kane: Often there is no sex or penetration, the practice is about the psychological benefits. Those who do practice BDSM do it for pleasure. There is dominance but it is about fun.

Reporter: Dr Kane believes it is possible the film’s success and the protests associated with it will undermine the reality of kink.

Reporter: Former sex-worker and dominatrix Katja, is in agreement that 50 Shades of Grey is misleading in its representation of BDSM.

Katja: I don’t think that BDSM is necessarily about ropes and chains and whips and things like that, it’s more about the power play between the dominant and submissive person in the relationship.

Reporter: Katja believes the character of Christian Grey is not portraying those who practice BDSM in a favourable light. She states

Katja: His interest in BDSM seems to be portrayed as him being a deviant person or a defective person which isn’t necessarily true about people who are interested in BDSM.

Reporter: As for those groups touting the story as domestic abuse, Katja insists BDSM is safe to practice if you follow the rules

Katja: People are more respectful of the rules and boundaries because they’re kind of well established in that community. You can’t enter into anything without first saying what’s okay and what’s not okay and having some pre-established conditions around it.

Reporter: Katja does offer a word of warning to those who take the film as inspiration to try BDSM

Katja: I wouldn’t say that it’s really like a respectful or balanced or true BDSM relationship. I think people that are just interested in some kind of weird fantasy haven’t really thought it through.

Reporter: This is Gemma reporting for Griffith University Radio


New drug trialled in Australian fight against HIV


With Sydney and Melbourne trials showing positive results for new drug PrEP, there are calls from medical professionals and the World Health Organisation to increase access to the HIV prevention drug.

PrEP stands for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis.

It is an antiretroviral medication used to prevent HIV infection with a strong success rate of up to 92%.

Currently, PrEP is not available for over the counter purchase, but with the rate of HIV infection in Australia at a 20 year high there is now a strong demand for access to the medication.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration is yet to give PrEP approval in Australia while the drug is being tested which means access is limited to importing the drug from overseas.

Dr McNair, a LGBTIQ sexual health specialist has said, “For those with prescriptions, PrEP can cost up to $1000 a month to purchase.”

“The World Health Organisation has recommended that homosexual men seek PrEP for HIV prevention since 2012, so this is something which could and should be covered by Medicare,” said Dr McNair.

HIV Positive spokesperson Dorward from The Institute of Many has said, “PrEP isn’t a cure, but it’s certainly another tool we can use which has a greater potential than condoms to prevent infections increasing further.”

“The sooner it’s on the market the sooner we’ll see results,” said Mr Dorward.

The Kirby HIV Surveillance Report estimates there are currently 26,800 people living with HIV in Australia.

Photo reference; AIDS Drugs Online


Photo credit: Colin Leonhardt,

Indigenous Suicide At Crisis Point

Suicide rates amongst Indigenous groups are at a critical threshold with new calls for budget cuts made to be reinstated.

The government funded Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage Report reveals that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians are twice as likely to commit suicide compared to non-Indigenous Australians.

It further states mental health issues amongst the Indigenous population have increased, with psychological distress now at three times the rate of non-Indigenous Australians.

Indigenous groups are now calling for greater funding for health  and Indigenous services since the $500 million dollar budget cuts of 2014.

It comes with the nationwide protests to stop the forced closure of Aboriginal Communities.

“The funding cuts have put too much pressure on the already limited health services,” said Bev Hanley of the Victorian Aboriginal Health Service.

“It’s deplorable that mental health isn’t considered important to the government budget. The statistics are clear; we need more funding, not less,” said Ms Hanley.

The government study notes that the areas affected the most are Northern Queensland and the Kimberley Region, areas the Abbott government declared a ‘lifestyle choice’ to live in.

Julie Gordon, a youth worker with Karratha Senior Highschool in the Pilbara Region, believes the increasing rate of Indigenous youth suicide could be part of a contagion effect.

Ms Gordon has said “One suicide in the community and school largely affects everyone; young people are very vulnerable to peer influences.”

“Now they’re experiencing racial discrimination by their own government and it’s created too much pressure” said Ms Gordon.

Ms Gordon has said that funding cuts should not have been made, “All health services here were already at capacity, we simply don’t have the resources that we need, and now we’re seeing the negative results of these cuts.”

Photo credit: Colin Leonhardt,


Beyondblue campaign fails to reach Australian blokes

A $1 million Beyondblue ‘Man Therapy’ campaign released in June is deemed a fail so far.

‘Man Therapy’ aimed to reach blue collar men who are among the highest rates of suicide in Australia, currently triple the number of females.



The campaign had run successfully for 2 years with character Dr Brian Ironwood, but the new face of the campaign, “larrikin tradie” Davo, has received negative backlash.

Public response has been largely unfavourable on social media.

Beyondblue analyst Mr Smith has said “the social media feedback questions whether using humour with such a delicate subject was appropriate”.

The issue was the campaign stereotype of ‘blokeyness’.

Mr Smith has said instead of raising awareness of mental health support networks “they see Man Therapy as poking fun at them”.

The campaign aim was to reach the one third of Australian men who are unaware of free access to mental health counsellors that Beyondblue provides.

TNS Marketing surveyed 300 Australian men about mental health for the campaign.

The study found “a quarter of men believe anxiety or depression means you’re soft” and “54% felt there was a community stigma attached to mental health issues”.

Beyondblue have stated there will be a strong focus on advertising around AFL grand final season in an attempt to revamp and revive the campaign.


Forum Theatre redevelopment given green light

The $20 million proposal for Melbourne’s historic Forum Theatre to be redeveloped in 2016 has been approved this week by the Victoria Civil Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).

A previous $70 million redevelopment was planned for September 2015, but rejected earlier this year by VCAT for permit concerns.

The approved proposal by Trethowan Architects scheduled for September no longer includes the redevelopment of the former MTC.

Forum Theatre manager Jason Platts has said that rejected plans are still being reviewed for re-submission but “the Forum needs work done immediately, it’s getting too run down to keep going like it is”.

National Trust Victoria were opposed to the previous redevelopment plans due to the possible “loss of graffitied wall space on Hosier Lane”, a culturally relevant alley the Forum Theatre shares a forming wall of.

Steven Downes, spokesperson for the Marriner Group Forum Theatre, has said “the current approved plans will not affect Hosier Lane, we are just renovating the inside of the theatre at this point.”

“Restoration of the exterior is still tied to government funding, approval from VCAT and the MTC redevelopment for the time being,” said Mr Downes.

Capacity will increase with the renovations from 1500 to 2000 with a continued focus on supporting the arts, functions and as a performance venue.